CUET(UG) Chemistry Sample Paper with Answer

CUET(UG) Chemistry Sample Paper with Answer

CUET(UG) Chemistry Sample Paper with Answer

CUET(UG) Chemistry Sample Paper with Answer SET-4

1. Which of the following solids show both the Schottky as well as Frenkel defect

B. AgBr
C. NaCl
D. KCl


2. The values of van't Hoff factors for KCl, MgCl2 and K2SO4 are

A. 1, 1 and 2
B. 1, 2 and 3
C. 2, 2 and 3
D. 2, 3 and 3


3. A boiling point of four liquids A, B, C and D are 170°, 100°, 200° and 30° respectively, the correct increasing order of their vapour pressure is

A. D < B < A < C
B. C < A < B < D
C. A < C < B < D
D. C < A < D < B


4. The quantity of charge required to obtain one mole of aluminium from Al2O3is

A. 6F
B. 3F
C. 9F
D. 1F


5. An emulsion cannot be broken by

A. Freezing
B. Heating
C. Adding emulsifying agent
D. Cntrifuging


6. H2 gas is adsorbed on activated charcoal to a very little extent in comparison to easily liquefiable gases due to

A. Very strong van der Waal’s interaction
B. Very weak van der Waals forces
C. Very high critical temperature
D. No interaction


7. The main reaction which occurs in blast furnace during extraction of iron from haematite is

A. Fe2O3 + 3CO → 2Fe + 3CO2
B. FeO + SiO2 → FeSiO3
C. Fe2O3 + C → 2Fe + 3CO
D. All the above reactions


8. The number of π and σ bonds are present in a cyclotrimetaphosphoric acid

A. 1, 12
B. 1, 15
C. 3, 9
D. 3, 15


9. Which of the following is the molecular formula of phosphinic acid

A. H2PO3
B. H3PO2
D. H3PO3


10. Which of the following ligands will be listed last in a coordination sphere

A. Cl
C. CO3
D. C2O4


11. Which of the following complexes shows zero crystal field stabilization energy

A. [Co(H2O)6]+3
B. [Co(H2O)6]+2
C. [Fe(H2O)6]+3
D. [Mn(H2O)6]+3


12. Which of the following compounds does not have a coordination isomer

A. [Ag(NH3)2][Ag(CN)2]
B. [Cr(NH3)6][Co(CN)6]
C. [Zn(NH3)4][PtCl4]
D. [Cu(NH3)4][FeCl4]


13. Which of the following compound is chiral in nature

A. 1-bromobutane
B. 2-bromobutane
C. 1-bromopropane
D. Cyclohexyl chloride


14. Which of the following is the correct Arrhenius equation

A. K = A.eEa/RT
B. K = A.e−Ea/RT
C. K = Z.eEa/RT
D. K = A.e−Ea/T


15. What are the factors that determine an effective collision

A. Translational collision and energy of activation
B. Threshold energy and proper orientation
C. Proper orientation and steric bulk of the molecule
D. Collision frequency, threshold energy and proper orientation


16. Methyl amine reacts with nitrous acid gives

A. Methyl alcohol
B. Methyl nitrile
C. Dimethyl ether
D. Nitromethane


17. Which of the following reagents is not used for the reduction of nitro group to amino group

A. H2/Pd
B. Sn/HCl
C. Fe/HCl
D. Fe/NaOH


18. Azo coupling reaction with benzene diazonium chloride will not shown by

A. Aniline
B. Anisole
C. Phenol
D. Nitrobenzene


19. Which of the following is false regarding the Ellingham diagram

A. It consists of plots of ΔfG° vs T
B. Ellingham diagrams are based on thermodynamic concepts
C. They do not tell us anything about the kinetics of the reduction process
D. They do not assume reactant-product equilibrium


20. What is the primary product when carbon is treated with concentrated sulfuric acid

A. Carbon dioxide
B. Carbon monoxide
C. Carbon sulfate
D. Carbon sulfide


21. Which of the following conditions is the most suitable for manufacture of sulfuric acid in contact process

A. High temperature and high pressure
B. Low temperature and high pressure
C. High pressure and low temperature
D. Low pressure and low temperature


22. Which metal is used in making electrical fibres

A. Actinium
B. Nickel
C. Thorium
D. Tungsten


23. What is the colour of the compound CoCl3.5NH3

A. Yellow
B. Purple
C. Green
D. Violet


24. If X and Y are the carbon-halogen bond enthalpies in chloroethane and bromoethane respectively, what is the relationship between X and Y

A. X > Y
B. X < Y
C. X = Y
D. X + Y = 0


25. What is the reason for iodoform to be used as an antiseptic

A. Due to its unpleasant odour
B. Due to its melting point
C. Due to its solubility in alcohol
D. Due to the liberation of free iodine


26. Ortho and para isomers of nitrophenol can be separated by

A. Fractional distillation
B. Steam distillation
C. Vacuum distillation
D. Zone distillation


27. Cumene hydroperoxide on hydrolysis with dilute H2SO4 gives

A. Alcohol and phenol
B. Only phenol
C. Phenol and acetone
D. Alcohol and acetone


28. What is the catalyst used in the hydrogenation of acetyl chloride to produce ethanal

A. Pt over BaSO4
B. Pt over CuSO4
C. Pd over BaSO4
D. Pd over CuSO4


29. Which of the following reactions does not give benzaldehyde

A. Rosenmund reaction
B. Etard reaction
C. Gatterman-Koch reaction
D. Friedel-Craft acylation reaction


30. When a blue litmus paper is dipped in an aqueous solution of benzenediazonium bromide, the litmus paper

A. Turns red
D. Turns orange
C. Turns black
D. Remains unchanged


31. If the pKb value of N,N-diethylethanamine is 3.25, predict the pKb value of ethanamine

A. 3.00
B. 3.29
C. 4.75
D. 9.38


32. Identify the correct statement

A. Peptide bond is formed by the loss of water molecule
B. A protein is made of only one type of amino acid
C. Dipeptides consists of different amino acids
D. Glycylalanine is a tripeptide


33. Which of the following bases contain two keto groups

A. Adenine
B. Guanine
C. Thymine
D. Cytosine


34. Lack of which hormone causes Addison’s disease

A. Glucocorticoids
B. Oxytocin
C. Insulin
D. Norepinephrine


35. Which of the following is used in the firewall of vehicles

A. Teflon
B. Nomex
C. Viton
D. Zylon


36. What are the monomers of PHBV

A. 2-Hydroxybutanoic acid, 2-hydroxypentanoic acid
B. 2-Hydroxybutanoic acid, 3-hydroxypentanoic acid
C. 3-Hydroxybutanoic acid, 2-hydroxypentanoic acid
D. 3-Hydroxybutanoic acid, 3-hydroxypentanoic acid


37. A certain compound X occupied a site of an enzyme exactly opposite to that of the active site. This immediately resulted in the change of shape of the active site. X is called a

A. Competitive inhibiton
B. Nnon-competitive inhibitor
C. Competitive messenger
D. Receptor


38. Which of the following tranquilizers cannot be part of sleeping pills

A. Chlordiazepoxide
B. Amytal
C. Seconal
D. Nembutal


39. What is the most common oxidation state of lanthanides

A. +2
B. +4
C. +6
D. +3


40. Which of the following is an example of a non-ideal solution showing positive deviation

A. Acetone + Carbon disulphide
B. Chlorobenzene + Bromobenzene
C. Chloroform + Benzene
D. Acetone + Aniline


41. If metallic atoms of mass 197 and radius 166 pm are arranged in ABCABC fashion then what is the surface area of each unit cell

A. 1.32 × 106 pm2
B. 1.32 × 10-18pm2
C. 2.20 × 105 pm2
D. 2.20 × 10-19 pm2


42. What is the bond angle of hypochlorous acid

A. 108°
B. 108.5°
C. 109°
D. 109.5°


43. Which of the following noble gases is most soluble in water

A. Helium
B. Radon
C. Krypton
D. Neon


44. The correct product of the following reaction is
Cyclopenanol on heating in acidic medium


45. Identify the correct order of basic strength of the following substituted anilines

A. p-Methylaniline > m-Methylaniline > p-Nitroaniline > m-Nitroaniline
B. p-Methylaniline > m-Methylaniline > m-Nitroaniline > p-Nitroaniline
C. p-Nitroaniline > m-Nitroaniline > p-Methylaniline > m-Methylaniline
D. p-Nitroaniline > m-Nitroaniline > m-Methylaniline > p-Methylaniline



CUET(UG) Chemistry Practice Questions with Answer

