CUET(UG) Chemistry Sample Paper with Answer

CUET(UG) Chemistry Sample Paper with Answer

CUET(UG) Chemistry Sample Paper with Answer

CUET(UG) Chemistry Sample Paper with Answer SET-3

1. SN1 reaction of alkyl halides leads to

A. Retention of configuration
B. Racemisation
C. Inversion of configuration
D. None of these


2. The reactivity order of halides for dehydrogenation is

A. RF > RCl > RBr > RI
B. RI > RBr > RCl > RF
C. RI > RCl > RBr > RF
D. RF > RI > RBr > RCl


3. In chlorination of benzene, the reactive species is

A. Cl+
B. Cl
C. Cl2
D. Cl−2


4. Among the following, the molecule with the highest dipole moment is

A. CH3Cl
B. CH2Cl2
C. CHCl3
D. CCl4


5. Oxidation of toluene to benzaldehyde by chromyl, chloride is called

A. Etard reaction
B. Riemer-Tiemann reaction
C. Wurtz reaction
D. Cannizzaro’s reaction


6. Which of the following does not give iodoform test

A. n-Butyl alcohol
B. Sec-Butyl alcohol
C. Acetophenone
D. Acetaldehyde


7. Propanal and propanone, both have same molecular formula(C3H6O), what do you expect about their boiling points

A. Both have same boiling point
B. Boiling point of propanal is higher than the boiling point of propanone.
C. Boiling point of propanal is lower than the boiling point of propanone
D. Nothing can be predicted


8. Which of the following does not react with Hinsberg reagent

A. Ethylamine
B. Me2NH
C. Me3N
D. Propan-2-amine


9. Which of the following amines can exhibit enantiomerism

A. Benzeamine
B. 2-Butanamine
C. 2-Propanamine
D. 2-Methyl-propanamine


10. Which of the following pair of species will yield carbylamine

A. CH3CH2Br and KCN
B. CH3CH2Br and NH3 (excess)
C. CH3CH2Br and AgCN


11. The reagents used in Hoffman’s Mustard oil reaction are

A. Mustred oil and 1° amine
B. CS2 and aniline in HgCl2
C. Nitrobenzene and CS2
D. Sand RNC


12. Which of the following is most basic
Which of the following is most basic


13. The vitamins absorbed from intestine along with fats are

A. A, D
B. A, B
C. A, C
D. D, B


14. The helical structure of protein is stabilized by

A. Peptide band
B. Dipeptide band
C. Hydrogen bands
D. vander Waal’s forces


15. Which one is correct

A. Starch is a polymer of a-glucose
B. Amylose is a component of cellulose
C. Proteins are composed of only one type of amino acids
D. In cyclic structure of furanose, these are four carbons and one oxygen atom


16. Bakelite is

A. Addition polymer
B. Elastomer
C. Thermoplastic
D. Thermosetting


17. Nylon-6,6 is a polyamide of

A. Vinyl chloride and formaldehyde
B. Adipic acid and methyl amine
C. Adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine
D. Formaldehyde and malamine


18. Which of the following types of polymers has the strongest inter particle forces

A. Elastomers
B. Thermoplastics
C. Fibres
D. Thermosetting polymers


19. Artificial sweetener which is stable only under cold conditions is

A. Saccharine
B. Sucralose
C. Aspartame
D. Alitame


20. Which of the following is analgesic

A. Streptomycin
B. Chloromycetin
C. Novalgin
D. Penicillin


21. Drug which is used to reduce anxiety and brings calmness is known as

A. Tranquilizer
B. Diuretic
C. Analgesic
D. Antacids


22. In NaCl structure

A. All octahedral and tetrahedral sites are occupied
B. Only octahedral sites are occupied
C. Only tetrahedral sites are occupied
D. Neither octahedral nor tetrahedral sites are occupied


23. In Zinc blende structure

A. Zinc ions occupy half of the tetrahedral sites
B. Each Zn2- ion is surrounded by six sulphide ions
C. Each S2- ion is surrounded by six Zn2+ ions
D. It has fee structure


24. Edge length of unit cell of chromium metal is 287 pm with bcc arrangement. The atomic radius is of the order

A. 287 pm
B. 574 pm
C. 124.27 pm
D. 143.5 pm


25. A 5% solution of cane-sugar (molecular weight = 342) is isotonic with 1% solution of substance A. The molecular weight of X is

A. 342
B. 171.2
C. 68.4
D. 136.8


26. The law which indicates the relationship between solubility of a gas in liquid and pressure is

A. Raoult’s law
B. Henry’s law
C. Lowering of vapour pressure
D. Van’t Hoff law


27. Which of the following solutions shows positive deviation from Raoult’s law

A. Acetone + Aniline
B. Acetone + Ethanol
C. Water + Nitric acid
D. Chloroform + Benzene


28. If 96500 coulomb electricity is passed through CuSO4 solution, it will liberate

A. 63.5 gm of Cu
B. 31.76 gm of Cu
C. 96500 gm of Cu
D. 100 gm of Cu


29. For a certain redox reaction, E° is positive. This means that

A. ΔG° is positive, K is greater than 1
B. ΔG° is positive, K is less than 1
C. ΔG° is negative, K is greater than 1
D. ΔG° is negative, K is less than 1


30. The charge required for reducing 1 mole of MnO4 to Mn+2 is

A. 1.93 × 105 C
B. 2.895 × 105 C
C. 4.28 × 105 C
D. 4.825 × 105 C


31. Which of the following, is an example of a fractional order reaction

A. NH4NO2 → N2 + 2H2O
B. NO + O3 → NO2 + O2
C. 2NO + Br2 → 2NOBr
D. CH3CHO → CH4 + CO


32. The unit of rate and rate constant are same fora

A. Zero order reaction
B. First order reaction
C. Second order reaction
D. Third order reaction


33. Half life period of a first order reaction is 10 min. What percentage of the reaction will be completed in 100 minutes

A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 99.9%
D. 75%


34. Which one of the following is alyophilic colloid

A. Milk
B. Gum
C. Fog
D. Blood


35. Presence of traces of arsenious oxide (As2O3) in the reacting gases SO2 and O3 in presence of plantinised asbestos in contact process acts as

A. Catalytic promoter
B. Catalytic poison
C. Dehydrating agent
D. Drying agent


36. Substances which behave as normal electrolytes solution at low concentration and exhibit colloids properties at higher concentration are called

A. Lyophilic colloids
B. Lyophobic colloids
C. Macromolecular colloids
D. Associated colloids


37. Removal of the unwanted materials like sand, clays, etc. from the ore is known as -----, ----- or -----

A. Concentration, dressing, benefaction
B. Separation, refining, gangue
C. Magnetic separation, purification, gangue
D. Washing, refining, amalgamation


38. How do we separate two sulphide ores by froth floatation method

A. By using excess of pine oil
B. By adjusting proportion of oil to water or using depressant.
C. By using some solvent in which one of the sulphides is soluble
D. By using collectors and froth stabilisers like xanthates


39. An ore of tin containing FeCrO4 is concentrated by

A. Gravity separation
B. Magnetic separation
C. Froth floatation
D. Leaching


40. The shape of XeF4 is

A. Tetrahedral
B. Square planar
C. Pyramidal
D. Linear


41. The number of P-O-P bonds in cyclic metaphosphoric acid is

A. 2
B. 0
C. 3
D. 4


42. PCl3 on hydrolysis gives

A. H3PO3
C. H3PO4
D. POCl3


43. Which one of the following is called green vitriol

A. FeSO4 7H2O
B. CuSO4 5H2O
C. CaSO4 2H2O
D. None of these


44. The melting point of copper is higher than that of zinc because

A. Copper has a bcc structure
B. The atomic volume of copper is higher
C. The electrons of copper are involved in metallic bonding
D. The s as well as d electrons of copper are involved in metallic bonding


45. The correct IUPAC name of the coordination compound K3[Fe(CN)5NO] is

A. Potassium pentacyanonitrosylferrate (II)
B. Potassium pentacyanonitroferrate (II)
C. Potassium nitritopentacyanoferrate (IV)
D. Potassium nitritepentacynanoiron (II)



CUET(UG) Chemistry Practice Questions with Answer

