CUET UG Chemistry Sample Paper 2024

CUET(UG) Chemistry Sample Paper with Answer 2024

CUET(UG) Chemistry Sample Paper with Answer

CUET(UG) Chemistry Sample Paper with Answer SET-6

1. The lattice points of a crystal of hydrogen iodide are occupied by

A. HI molecules
B. H atoms and I atoms
C. H+ cations and I anions
D. H2 molecules and I2 molecules

AnswerA. HI molecules

2. What will be the rate equation for the reaction 2X + Y → Z, if the order of the reaction is zero?

A. Rate = k[X][Y]
B. Rate = k
C. Rate = k[X]0[Y]
D. Rate =k[X][Y]0

AnswerB. Rate = k

3. Salol is an

A. Antipyretic
B. Analgesics
C. Antiseptic
D. Antibiotic

AnswerC. Antiseptic

4. Ethers have lower boiling points than corresponding isomeric alcohol because of

A. Hydrogen bonding in alcohols that is absent in ethers due to lower polarity
B. Hydrogen bonding in ethers due to high polarity
C. Insolubility of ethers in water due to less polarity
D. Inertness of ethers as compared to alcohols

AnswerA. Hydrogen bonding in alcohols that is absent in ethers due to lower polarity

5. Dichromates are generally prepared by the fusion of chromite ore with

A. Sodium Carbonate
B. Potassium Carbonate
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

AnswerC. Both A and B

6. Which of the following is not ionising radiation?

A. U.V rays
B. Alpha rays
C. Both A and B
D. Infrared

AnswerB. Alpha rays

7. Which of the following methods does not use ionizing radiation?

A. Radiotherapy
B. CT Scan
C. X-ray imaging

AnswerD. MRI

8. Which of the following is non ionisable?

A. [Co(NH3)3Cl3]
B. [CO(NH3)4Cl2]Cl
C. [CO(NH3)5Cl]Cl2
D. [Co(NH3)6]Cl2

AnswerA. [Co(NH3)3Cl3]

9. Two liquids A and B on mixing produce a warm solution. Which type of deviation from Raoult's law does it show?

A. Negative deviation
B. Positive deviation
C. Ideal solution
D. All of these

AnswerA. Negative deviation

10. Which of the bonding orbital has greater energy comparatively?

A. Both Bonding molecular orbital and Anti-bonding molecular orbital have the same energy
B. The energy of Bonding molecular orbital and Anti-bonding molecular orbital depends on the situation
C. Bonding molecular orbital
D. Anti-bonding molecular orbital

AnswerD. Anti-bonding molecular orbital

11. Which of the following statements is wrong?

A. When two orbitals overlap in-phase with each other, a bonding molecular orbital forms
B. When two orbitals overlap out-of-phase with each other, an antibonding molecular orbital forms
C. When one of two atoms connected by a σ bond rotates about the bond axis, orbital overlap is lost
D. When one of two atoms connected by a π bond rotates about the bond axis, orbital overlap is lost

AnswerC. When one of two atoms connected by a σ bond rotates about the bond axis, orbital overlap is lost

12. Which of the following compounds is not chiral?

A. 1-chloropentane
B. 2-chloropentane
C. 1-chloro-2-methyl pentane
D. 3-chloro-2-methyl pentane

AnswerA. 1-chloropentane

13. Which vitamin is required for calcium absorption from the small intestine?

A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin D
C. Vitamin E
D. Vitamin K

AnswerB. Vitamin D

14. Because of adsorption

A. Surface energy decreases
B. Surface energy increases
C. The value of surface energy becomes zero
D. No change takes place

AnswerA. Surface energy decreases

15. A plot of log x/m vs log p for adsorption of gas on a solid gives in straight line with slope equal to

A. n
B. 1/n
C. log k
D. -log k

AnswerB. 1/n

16. The coordination number of Y will be in the XY types of crystal

A. 6
B. 8
C. 12
D. 4

AnswerA. 6

17. Which of the following is not an example of an Ideal solution?

A. Benzene + Toluene
B. n-Hexane + n-Heptane
C. Ethyl alcohol + Water
D. Ethyl bromide + Ethyl chloride

AnswerC. Ethyl alcohol + Water

18. Lassaigne's test for the detection of nitrogen fails in


AnswerB. NH2NH2.HCl

19. What is B in R-OH + PX5 → R-X + B + HX?

B. H3PO3
D. H3PO2

AnswerC. POX3

20. Arrange the following groups in the order of decreasing (+I) effect

A. C6H5O > COO > CR3 > CHR2 > H
B. C6H5O > H > CR3 > CHR2 > COO
C. CR3 > C6H5O > H > COO > CHR2
D. C6H5O > COO > CHR2 > CR3 > H

AnswerA. C6H5O > COO > CR3 > CHR2 > H

21. Drug which is used to reduce anxiety and brings calmness is known as

A. Tranquilizer
B. Diuretic
C. Analgesic
D. Antacids

AnswerA. Tranquilizer

22. The oxidation of toluene to benzaldehyde by chromyl chloride is called

A. Etard reaction
B. Riemer-Tiemann reaction
C. Wurtz reaction
D. Cannizzaro’s reaction

AnswerA. Etard reaction

23. Schiff's reagent gives pink colour with

A. Acetaldehyde
B. Acetone
C. Acetic acid
D. Methyl acetate

AnswerA. Acetaldehyde

24. Benzoic acid is treated with SOCl2 and the product (X) formed is reacted with ammonia to give (Y). (Y) on reaction with Br2 and KOH gives (Z). (Z) in the reaction is

A. aniline
B. chlorobenzene
C. benzamide
D. benzoyl chloride

AnswerA. aniline

25. Light scattering method is used

A. to find concentration
B. to find molecular mass of polymer
C. to test elements
D. to find number of molecules

AnswerB. to find molecular mass of polymer

26. The number of tripeptide formed by 3 different amino acids

A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six

AnswerD. Six

27. The reaction between phenol and chloroform in presence of aqueous NaOH is

A. Nucleophilic substitution reaction
B. Electrophilic addition reaction
C. Electrophilic substitution reaction
D. Nucleophilic addition reaction

AnswerC. Electrophilic substitution reaction

28. Which order from the following is true for boiling points?

A. Chloroethane < ethane < ethanol
B. Ethane < chloroethane < ethanol
C. Ethanol < ethane < chloroethane
D. Ethane > chloroethane > ethanol

AnswerB. Ethane < chloroethane < ethanol

29. Iodoform test is not given by

A. Pentan-2-one
B. Ethanal
C. Ethanol
D. Pentan-3-one

AnswerD. Pentan-3-one

30. Finkelstein reaction for the preparation of alkyl iodide is based upon the fact that

A. Sodium iodide is soluble in methanol, while sodium chloride is insoluble in methanol
B. Sodium iodide is soluble in methanol, while NaCl and NaBr are insoluble in methanol
C. Sodium iodide is insoluble in methanol, while NaCl and NaBr are soluble
D. The three halogens differ considerably in their electronegativity

AnswerB. Sodium iodide is soluble in methanol, while NaCl and NaBr are insoluble in methanol

31. Ionic radii (in Å) of As3+, Sb3+ and Bi3+ follow the order

A. As3+ > Sb3+ > Bi3+
B. Sb3+ > Bi3+ > As3+
C. Bi3+ > As3+ > Sb3+
D. Bi3+ > Sb3+ > As3+

AnswerD. Bi3+ > Sb3+ > As3+

32. Each polypeptide in a protein has amino acids linked with each other in a specific sequence. This sequence of amino acids is said to be–

A. Primary structure of proteins
B. Secondary structure of proteins
C. Tertiary structure of proteins
D. Quaternary structure of proteins

AnswerA. primary structure of proteins

33. The vapour pressure of water at 300 K in a closed container is 0.4 atm. If the volume of container is doubled, its vapour pressure at 300 K will be

A. 0.8 atm
B. 0.2 atm
C. 0.4 atm
D. 0.6 atm

AnswerC. 0.4 atm

34. For a gas, the compressibility factor Z depends on

A. Pressure and Volume
B. Pressure and Temperature
C. Volume and Temperature
D. Pressure, Volume and Temperature

AnswerB. Pressure and Temperature

35. On passing a current of hydrochloric acid gas in a saturated solution of sodium chloride, the solubility of sodium chloride

A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Remains unaffected
D. Sodium chloride decomposest

AnswerA. Decreases

36. Free energy changes for two reaction mechanism 'X' and 'Y are respectively -15 and -5 units. It implies that X is

A. Slower than Y
B. Faster than Y
C. Three times slower than Y
D. Three times faster than Y

AnswerB. Faster than Y

37. Which of the following statements is true regarding the photoelectric experiment?

A. The stopping potential increases with the increase in the intensity of incident light
B. The photocurrent increases with the intensity of light
C. The photocurrent increases with the increase in frequency
D. All of the above

AnswerB. The photocurrent increases with the intensity of light

38. In SN2 reactions the sequence of bond breaking and bond formation is as follows

A. Bond breaking is followed by formation
B. Bond formation is followed by breaking
C. Bond breaking and formation occur simultaneously
D. Bond breaking and formation take place randomly

AnswerC. Bond breaking and formation occur simultaneously

39. Which of the following statements is not correct?

A. The value of Henry’s constant K is greater for gases with higher solubility
B. The value of molal depression constant depends on the nature of solvent
C. Relative lowering of vapour pressure is a dimensionless quantity
D. The value of Henry’s constant, KH increases with increase in temperature

AnswerA. The value of Henry’s constant K is greater for gases with higher solubility

40. The shape of OSF4 is

A. Tetrahedral
B. Square planar
C. Pyramidal
D. Trigonal bipyramidal

AnswerD. Trigonal bipyramidal

41. Born-Lande equation is used to calculate the

A. Bond Polarity
B. Lattice Energy
C. Solvation Energy
D. Percentage Ionic Character

AnswerB. Lattice Energy

42. In Van der Waals equation of state of the gas law, the constant 'b' is a measure of

A. Intermolecular repulsions
B. Intermolecular collisions per unit volume
C. Volume occupied by the molecules
D. intermolecular attraction

AnswerC. Volume occupied by the molecules

43. For which of the following ions, the color is not due to a d-d transition

A. CrO4−2
B. [Cu(NH3)4]+2
C. [Ti(H2O)6]+3
D. CoF6−3

AnswerA. CrO4−2

44. CrCl3.6H2O exists in different isomeric forms which shows different colours like violet and green. This is due to

A. Ionisation isomerism B. Coordination isomerism C. Optical isomerism D. Hydrate isomerism
AnswerD. Hydrate isomerism

45. The tendency of BF3, BCl3 and BBr3 to behave as Lewis acid decreases in the sequence

A. BCl3 > BF3 > BBr3
B. BF3 > BCl3 > BBr3
C. BBr3 > BF3 > BCl3
D. BBr3 > BCl3 > BF3

AnswerD. BBr3 > BCl3 > BF3


CUET(UG) Chemistry Practice Questions with Answer

