CUET(UG) Chemistry Sample Paper with Answer

CUET(UG) Chemistry Sample Paper with Answer

CUET(UG) Chemistry Sample Paper with Answer

CUET(UG) Chemistry Sample Paper with Answer SET-5

1. Which of the following is not a characteristic property of solids

A. Intermolecular distances are short
B. Intermolecular forces are weak
C. Constituent particles have fixed positions
D. Solids oscillate about their mean positions


2. Crystalline solids are anisotropic in nature. What is the meaning of anisotropic in the given statement

A. A regular pattern of arrangement of particles which repeats itself periodically over the entire crystal
B. Different values of some of physical properties are shown when measured along different directions in the same crystals
C. An irregular arrangement of particles over the entire crystal
D. Same values of some of physical properties are shown when measured along different directions in the same crystals


3. Alkali halides do not show Frenkel defect because

A. Cations and anions have almost equal size
B. There is a large difference in size of cations and anions
C. Cations and anions have low coordination number
D. Anions cannot be accommodated in voids


4. The relative lowering in vapour pressure is proportional to the ratio of number of

A. Solute molecules to solvent molecules
B. Solvent molecules to solute molecules
C. Solute molecules to the total number of molecules in solution
D. Solvent molecules to the total number of molecules in solutionAnswer


5. The system that forms maximum boiling azetrope is

A. Acetone-chloroform
B. Ethanol-acetone
C. n-hexane-n-heptane
D. Carbon disulphide-acetone


6. Value of Henry’s constant KH

A. Increases with increase in temperature
B. Decreases with increase in temperature
C. Remains constant
D. First increases then decreases


7. The reaction, 3ClO (aq) → ClO3 (aq) + 2Cl (aq) is an example of

A. Oxidation reaction
B. Reduction reaction
C. Disproportionation reaction
D. Decomposition reaction


8. If limiting molar conductivity of Ca+2 and Cl are 119.0 and 76.3 S cm2 mol-1, then the value of limiting molar conductivity of CaCl2 will be

A. 195.3 S cm2 mol
B. 271.6 S cm2 mol
C. 43.3 S cm2 mol
D. 314.3 S cm2 mol


9. The standard reduction potential values of three metallic cations X, Y and Z are 0.52, –3.03 and –1.18 V respectively. The order of reducing power of the corresponding metal is

A. Y > Z > X
B. X > Y > Z
C. Z > Y > X
D. Z=Y=X


10. For a chemical reaction A → B, it is found that the rate of the reaction quardruples when the concentration of A is doubled. The rate expression for the reaction is, rate = k [A]n where the value of n is

A. 1
B. 2
C. 0
D. 3


11. On increasing the temperature of the reacting system by 10° the rate of reaction almost becomes double. The most appropriate reason for this is that

A. Activation energy decreases by increases of temperature
B. The fraction of molecules having threshold energy increases
C. Collision frequency increases
D. The value of threshold energy decreases


12. The ratio t7/8 : t1/2 for the first order is

A. 3
B. 5
C. 2
D. 7


13. Which of the following is a lyophobic colloid

A. Gelatin
B. Sulphur
C. Starch
D. Gum arabic


14. The Tyndall effect associated with colloidal particles is due to

A. Pesence of electrical charge
B. Scattering of light
C. Absorption of light
D. Reflection of light


15. In the colloidal state the particle size ranges

A. Below 1 nm
B. Between 1 nm to 100 nm
C. More than 100 nm
D. None of the above


16. Which of the following metals is leached by Cyanide process

A. Ag
B. Na
C. Al
D. Cu


17. The method of zone refining of metals is based on the principle of

A. reater mobility of pure metal than that of the impurity
B. Higher of the impurity than that of the pure metal
C. Greater noble character of the solid metal than that of the impurity
D. Greater solubility of the impurity in the molten state than in the solid


18. The process of isolation of metals by dissolving the ore in a suitable chemical eagent following by precipitation of the metal by a more electropositive metal is called

A. Electrometallurgy
B. Hydrometallurgy
C. Electro-refusing
D. Zone-refining


19. Nitrogen is relatively inactive element because

A. Its atom has a stable electronic configuration
B. It has low atomic radius
C. Its electronegativity is fairly high
D. Dissociation energy of its molecule is fairly high


20. Pentavalence in phosphorus is more stable when compared to that of nitrogen even though they belong to same group. This is due to

A. Dissimilar electronic configuration
B. Due to presence of vacant d-orbitals
C. Reactivity of phosphorus
D. Inert nature of nitrogen


21. Which one has the lowest boiling point

A. NH3
B. PH3
C. AsH3
D. SbH3


22. When manganese dioxide is fused with KOH in air. It gives

A. Potassium permanganate
B. Potassium manganate
C. Manganese hydroxide
D. Mn3O4


23. When KMnO4 acts as oxidising agent in alkaline medium, the oxidation number of Mn decreases by

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5


24. Which of the following oxides is amphoteric in nature

A. NiO
B. ZnO
C. CoO
D. FeO


25. IUPAC name of [Pt(NH3)3Br(NO2)Cl]Cl is

A. Triamminechlorodibromidoplatinum (IV) chloride
B. Triamminechloridobromidonitrochloride- platinum (IV) chloride
C. Triamminebromidochloridonitroplatinum (IV) chloride
D. Triamminenitrochlorobromoplatinum (IV) chloride


26. The complex ions [Co(NH3)5(NO2)]+2 and [Co(NH3)5(ONO)]+2 are called

A. Ionization isomers
B. Linkage isomers
C. Co-ordination isomers
D. Geometrical isomers


27. The solution of the complex [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 in water will

A. Give the tests of Cu+2 ion
B. Give the tests of NH3
C. Give the tests of SO4-2 ions
D. Not give the tests of any of the above


28.Which of the following has a branched chain structure

A. Amylopectin
B. Anylose
C. Cellulose
D. Nylon


29. The nucleic acid base having two possible binding sites is

A. Thymine
B. Cytosine
C. Guanine
D. Adenine


30. Which reagent is used to convert glucose into saccharic acid

A. Br2/H2O
B. Nitric acid
C. Alkaline solution of iodine
D. Ammonium hydroxide


31. Natural rubber is a polymer of

A. Butadiene
B. Ethylene
C. Styrene
D. Isoprene


32. Bakelite is obtained from phenol by reacting with

A. Ethanal
B. Methanal
C. Vinyl chloride
D. Ethyleneglycol


33. Orion has a unit of

A. Vinyl Cyanide
B. acrolein
C. glycol
D. isoprene


34. Barbituric acid and its derivatives are well known

A. Antipyretics
B. Analgesics
C. Antiseptics 


35. Dettol used as antiseptic is a mixture of

A. o-chlorophenozylenol + terpeneol
B. o-cresol + terpeneol
C. Phenol + terpeneol
D. Chloroxylenol + terpeneol


36. Antiseptics and disinfectants either kill or prevent growth of microorganisms. Identify which of the following statements is not true

A. Chlorine and iodine are used as strong disinfectants
B. Dilute solutions of boric acid and hydrogen Peroxide are strong antiseptics
C. Disinfectants harm the living tissues
D. A 0.2% solution of phenol is an antiseptic while 1% solution acts as a disinfectant


37. When two halogen atoms are attached to same carbon atom then it is

A. vic-dihalide
B. gem-dihalide
C. α, ω -halide
D. α, β -halide


38. Which of the following is Finkelstein reaction

A. C2H5Br + NaI → C2H5I + NaBr
B. C2H5F + NaI → C2H5I + NaF
D. C2H5Br + AgF → C2H5F + AgBr


39. A dihalogen derivative ‘X’ of a hydrocarbon with three carbon atoms react with ale. KOH and produces hydrocarbon which forms red ppt. with ammonical Cu2Cl2. ‘X’ gives an aldehyde on reaction with aq. KOH. The compound ‘X’ is

A. 1, 3-Dichloropropane
B. 1, 2-Dichloropropane
C. 2, 2-Dichloropropane
D. 1, 1-Dichloropropane


40. 1-Propanol and 2-propanol can be best distinguished by

A. Oxidation with KMnO4 followed by reaction with Fehling solution
B. Oxidation with acidic dichromate followed by reaction with Fehling solution
C. Oxidation by heating with copper followed by reaction with Fehling solution
D. Oxidation with cone. H2SO4 followed by reaction with Fehling solution


41. Phenol reacts with Br2 in H2 at low temperature to give

A. o-Bromophenol
B. o-and p-promophenols
C. p-Bromophenol
D. 2, 4, 6-Tribromophenol


42. The addition of HCN to carbonyl compounds is an example of

A. Nucleophilic addition
B. Electrophilic addition
C. Free radical addition
D. Electromeric addition


43. Which of the following compounds does not react with NaHSO3



44. Benzoic acid is treated with SOCl2 and the product (X) formed is reacted with ammonia to give (Y). (Y) on reaction with Br2 and KOH gives (Z). (Z) in the reaction is

A. Aniline
B. Chlorobenzene
C. Benzamide
D. Benzoyl chloride


45. The end product Z of the reaction

complete the following reactions
A. Propanenitrile
B. Triethylamine
C. Diethylamine
D. Propylamine



CUET(UG) Chemistry Practice Questions with Answer

