Statement Type d and f Block Elements Questions for NEET
In each of the following questions a statement I is given followed by a correspond statement II just below it. Mark the correct answer from the following statements.
1. Statement I and statement II are correct and statement II is the correct explanation of statement I
2. Statement I and statement II are correct but statement II is not the correct explanation of statement I.
3. Statement I is correct but statement II is false
4. Statement I if false but statement II is correct.
1. Statement I: Most of the compounds of the transition elements are coloured in the solid and solution state
Statement II: During d–d transition, the electrons absorb certain radiation from the visible region of the spectrum
2. Statement I: Fe+3 is more stable than Fe+2
Statement II: Fe+3 ion has more number of unpaired electrons than Fe+2
3. Statement I: Zr and Hf exhibit similarity in properties
Statement II: Zr and Hf lie in same group of the periodic
4. Statement I: Cu+ , Zn+2 ions do not impart any colours to their aqueous solutions
Statement II: In Cu+ , Zn+2 ions (n − 1)d orbitals are completely filled
5. Statement I: In 3d series Cu, Cr exhibit +1 oxidation state also
Statement II: In these two, the outer most (ns) orbital is completely filled
6. Statement I: IIB group elements are represented as only d-block elements but not transition elements
Statement II: In transition elements n, (n − 1) shells are incompletely filled
7. Statement I: 4d and 5d series elements having closer atomic radii
Statement II: In d-block elements 6d series is incomplete
8. Statement I: Fe+2 is more stable than Fe+3 ion
Statement II: Fe+3 ion contain half-filled 3d subshell
9. Statement I: The spin only magnetic moment of Sc+3 is 1.73 BM
Statement II: The spin only magnetic moment (in BM) of the ion is equal to √n(n + 2) , where n is thenumber of unpaired electrons present in the ion.
1. Statement I and statement II are correct and statement II is the correct explanation of statement I
2. Statement I and statement II are correct but statement II is not the correct explanation of statement I.
3. Statement I is correct but statement II is false
4. Statement I if false but statement II is correct.
1. Statement I: Most of the compounds of the transition elements are coloured in the solid and solution state
Statement II: During d–d transition, the electrons absorb certain radiation from the visible region of the spectrum
2. Statement I: Fe+3 is more stable than Fe+2
Statement II: Fe+3 ion has more number of unpaired electrons than Fe+2
3. Statement I: Zr and Hf exhibit similarity in properties
Statement II: Zr and Hf lie in same group of the periodic
4. Statement I: Cu+ , Zn+2 ions do not impart any colours to their aqueous solutions
Statement II: In Cu+ , Zn+2 ions (n − 1)d orbitals are completely filled
5. Statement I: In 3d series Cu, Cr exhibit +1 oxidation state also
Statement II: In these two, the outer most (ns) orbital is completely filled
6. Statement I: IIB group elements are represented as only d-block elements but not transition elements
Statement II: In transition elements n, (n − 1) shells are incompletely filled
7. Statement I: 4d and 5d series elements having closer atomic radii
Statement II: In d-block elements 6d series is incomplete
8. Statement I: Fe+2 is more stable than Fe+3 ion
Statement II: Fe+3 ion contain half-filled 3d subshell
9. Statement I: The spin only magnetic moment of Sc+3 is 1.73 BM
Statement II: The spin only magnetic moment (in BM) of the ion is equal to √n(n + 2) , where n is thenumber of unpaired electrons present in the ion.
1 - 1 | 2 - 2 | 3 - 2 | 4 - 1 | 5 - 3 |
6 - 1 | 7 - 2 | 8 - 4 | 9 - 4 | 10 - 1 |