NEB Grade 11 Chemistry Syllabus
Subject code: 201
Total working hours: 160 hours.
Theory: 128 teaching hours.
Practical: 32 teaching hours.
Final exam marks: 100 marks- (75 Marks theoretical exam and 25 Marks practical exam + viva, records, project works and internal exams).
Physical Chemistry: 48 teaching hours
Unit -1. Foundation and Fundamentals: 2 teaching hrsGeneral introduction of chemistry, Importance and scope of chemistry, Basic concepts of chemistry (atoms, molecules, relative masses of atoms and molecules, atomic mass unit ( amu), radicals, molecular formula, empirical formula ), Percentage composition from molecular formula.
Unit -2. Stoichiometry: 8 teaching hrs
Dalton’s atomic theory and its postulates , Laws of stoichiometry, Avogadro’s law and some deductions ( Molecular mass and vapour density , Molecular mass and volume of gas, Molecular mass and no. of particles) , Mole and its relation with mass, volume and number of particles; Calculations based on mole concept ; Limiting reactant and excess reactant ;Theoretical yield, experimental yield and % yield ; Calculation of empirical and molecular formula from % composition (Solving related numerical problems).
Unit -3. Atomic Structure: 8 teaching hrs
Rutherford’s atomic model ; Limitations of Rutherford’s atomic model; Postulates of Bohr’s atomic model and its application ; Spectrum of hydrogen atom ; Defects of Bohr’s theory; Elementary idea of quantum mechanical model: de Broglie’s wave equation; Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ; Concept of probability; Quantum Numbers ; Orbitals and shape of s and p orbitals only; Aufbau Principle; Pauli’s exclusion principle; Hund’s rule and electronic configurations of atoms and ions (up to atomic no. 30).
Unit-4. Classification of elements and Periodic Table: 5 teaching hours
Modern periodic law and modern periodic table; Classification of elements into different groups, periods and blocks ; IUPAC classification of elements; Nuclear charge and effective nuclear charge ;Periodic trend and periodicity : Atomic radii ,Ionic radii , Ionization energy , Electron affinity ,Electronegativity , Metallic characters (General trend and explanation only).
Unit-5. Chemical Bonding and Shapes of Molecules: 9 teaching hrs
Valence shell, valence electron and octet theory ; Ionic bond and its properties ; Covalent bond and coordinate covalent bond ;Properties of covalent compounds ; Lewis dot structure of some common compounds of s and p block elements ; Resonance ;VSEPR theory and shapes of some simple molecules (BeF2, BF3, CH4, CH3Cl, PCl5, SF6, H2O,NH3,CO2,H2S, PH3); Elementary idea of Valence Bond Theory; Hybridization involving s and p orbitals only ; Bond characteristics: Bond length, Ionic character, Dipole moment; Vander Waal’s force and molecular solids ; Hydrogen bonding and its application; Metallic bonding and properties of metallic solids.
Unit-6. Oxidation and Reduction: 5 teaching hrs
General and electronic concept of oxidation and reduction; Oxidation number and rules for assigning oxidation number ; Balancing redox reactions by oxidation number and ion-electron (half reaction) method ; Electrolysis : Qualitative aspect and Quantitative aspect(Faradays laws of electrolysis).
Unit-7. States of Matter: 8 teaching hrs
7.1 Gaseous state : Kinetic theory of gas and its postulates ;Gas laws -Boyle’s law and Charles’ law, Avogadro’s law ;Combined gas equation ;Dalton’s law of partial pressure ;Graham’s law of diffusion; Ideal gas and ideal gas equation ; Universal gas constant and its significance; Deviation of real gas from ideality (Solving related numerical problems based on gas laws).
7.2 Liquid state : Physical properties of liquids- Evaporation and condensation ,Vapour pressure and boiling point ,Surface tension and viscosity (qualitative idea only) ; Liquid crystals and their applications.
7.3 Solid state: Types of solids -Amorphous and crystalline solids, Efflorescent, Deliquescent and Hygroscopic solids ; Crystallization and crystal growth; Water of crystallization; Introduction to unit crystal lattice and unit cell.
Unit-8. Chemical equilibrium: 3 teaching hrs
Physical and chemical equilibrium; Dynamic nature of chemical equilibrium; Law of mass action; Expression for equilibrium constant and its importance; Relationship between Kp and Kc ; Le Chatelier’s Principle (Numericals not required).
Inorganic Chemistry : 35 teaching hours.
Unit-9. Chemistry of Non-metal:9.1. Hydrogen, Oxygen and ozone: 4 teaching hrs
9.1.1 Hydrogen : Chemistry of atomic and nascent hydrogen ; Isotopes of hydrogen and their uses; Application of hydrogen as fuel ; Heavy water and its applications.
9.1.2 Oxygen: Allotropes of Oxygen – Definition of allotropy and examples; Types of oxides (acidic, basic, neutral, amphoteric, peroxide and mixed oxides) ; Applications of hydrogen peroxide; Medical and industrial application of oxygen.
9.1.3 Ozone: Occurrence ; Preparation of ozone from oxygen; Structure of ozone; Test for ozone; Ozone layer depletion (causes, effects and control measures) ; Uses of ozone.
9.2 Nitrogen : 5 teaching hrs
Reason for inertness of nitrogen and active nitrogen ; Chemical properties of ammonia [ Action with CuSO4 solution, water, FeCl3 solution, Conc. HCl, Mercurous nitrate paper, O2 ]; Applications of ammonia; Harmful effects of ammonia ; Oxy-acids of nitrogen (name andformula); Chemical properties of nitric acid [HNO3 as an acid and oxidizing agent (action with zinc, magnesium, iron, copper, sulphur, carbon, SO2 and H2S) ; Ring test for nitrate ion.
9.3 Halogens: 5 teaching hrs
General characteristics of halogens; Comparative study on preparation (no diagram and description is required); Chemical properties [with water, alkali, ammonia, oxidizing character, bleaching action] and uses of halogens (Cl2, Br2 and I2); Test for Cl2, Br2 and I2 ; Comparative study on preparation (no diagram and description is required), properties ( reducing strength, acidic nature and solubility) and uses of haloacids (HCl, HBr and HI)
9.4 Carbon and Phosphorus: 3 teaching hrs
9.4.1 Carbon: Allotropes of carbon (crystalline and amorphous) including fullerenes (structure, general properties and uses only) ; Properties (reducing action, reaction with metals and nonmetals) and uses of carbon monoxide.
9.4.2 Phosphorus: Allotropes of phosphorus (name only); Preparation (no diagram and description is required), properties ( basic nature ,reducing nature , action with halogens and oxygen) and uses of phosphine.
9.5 Sulphur: 5 teaching hours
Allotropes of sulphur (name only) and uses of sulphur ; Hydrogen sulphide (preparation from Kipp’s apparatus with diagram,) properties (Acidic nature, reducing nature, analytical reagent) and uses ; Sulphur dioxide its properties (acidic nature, reducing nature, oxidising nature and bleaching action) and uses ; Sulphuric acid and its properties (acidic nature, oxidising nature, dehydrating nature) and uses ; Sodium thiosulphate (formula and uses).
Unit-10. Chemistry of Metals
10.1 Metals and Metallurgical Principles: 5 teaching hrs
Definition of metallurgy and its types (hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy, electrometallurgy) ; Introduction of ores ; Gangue or matrix, flux and slag, alloy and amalgam ; General principles of extraction of metals (different processes involved in metallurgy) – concentration, calcination and roasting, smelting, carbon reduction, thermite and electrochemical reduction ; Refining of metals (poling and electro-refinement)
10.2 Alkali and Alkaline earth Metals: 5 teaching hrs
10.2.1 Alkali Metals: General characteristics of alkali metals ; Sodium [extraction from Down’s process, properties (action with Oxygen, water, acids nonmetals and ammonia) and uses]; Properties (precipitation reaction and action with carbon monooxide) and uses of sodium hydroxide ; Properties (action with CO2, SO2, water, precipitation reactions) and uses of sodium carbonate.
10.2.2 Alkaline Earth Metals: General characteristics of alkaline earth metals ; Molecular formula and uses of (quick lime, bleaching powder, magnesia, plaster of paris and epsom salt); Solubility of hydroxides, carbonates and sulphates of alkaline earth metals (general trend with explanation) ; Stability of carbonate and nitrate of alkaline earth metals (general trend with explanation).
Unit- 11. Bio-inorganic Chemistry: 3 teaching hrs
Introduction to Bio-inorganic Chemistry: Introduction of Micro and macro nutrients ; Importance of metal ions in biological systems (ions of Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni, Co, Cr) ; Ion pumps (sodium-potassium and sodium-glucose pump) 11.5 Metal toxicity (toxicity due to iron, arsenic, mercury, lead and cadmium).
Organic Chemistry : 30 teaching hours
Unit- 12. Basic Concept of Organic Chemistry : 6 teaching hrsIntroduction to organic chemistry and organic compounds ; Reasons for the separate study of organic compounds from inorganic compounds ; Tetra-covalency and catenation properties of carbon ; Classification of organic compounds ; Alkyl groups, functional groups and homologous series ; Idea of structural formula, contracted formula and bond line structural formula ; Preliminary idea of cracking and reforming, quality of gasoline, octane number, cetane number and gasoline additive.
Unit 13. Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry: 10 teaching hrs
IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds (upto chain having 6 carbon atoms) ; Qualitative analysis of organic compounds (detection of N, S and halogens by Lassaigne’s test) ; Isomerism in Organic Compounds ; Definition and classification of isomerism ; Structural isomerism and its types: chain isomerism, position isomerism, functional isomerism, metamerism and tautomerism ; Concept of geometrical isomerism (cis & trans) & optical isomerism (d & l form)
Preliminary Idea of Reaction Mechanism: Homolytic and heterolytic fission ; Electrophiles, nucleophiles and free- radicals ; Inductive effect: +I and –I effect ; Resonance effect: +R and –R effect.
Unit 14. Hydrocarbons : 8 teaching hrs
14.1 Saturated Hydrocarbons (Alkanes): Preparation from haloalkanes (Reduction and Wurtz reaction), Decarboxylation, Catalytic hydrogenation of alkene and alkyne ; Chemical properties: Substitution reactions (halogenation, nitration & sulphonation only), oxidation of ethane ; Unsaturated hydrocarbons (Alkenes & Alkynes).
14.2 Alkenes: Preparation by Dehydration of alcohol, Dehydrohalogenation, Catalytic hydrogenation of alkyne ; Chemical properties: Addition reaction with HX (Markovnikov’s addition and peroxide effect), H2O, O3, H2SO4 only.
14.3 Alkynes: Preparation from carbon and hydrogen, 1,2 dibromoethane, chloroform/iodoform only ; Chemical properties: Addition reaction with (H2, HX, H2O), Acidic nature (action with Sodium, ammoniacal AgNO3 and ammoniacal Cu2Cl2) ; Test of unsaturation (ethene & ethyne): bromine water test and Baeyer’s test.
14.4 Comparative studies of physical properties of alkane, alkene and alkyne; Kolbe’s electrolysis methods for the preparation of alkane, alkene and alkynes.
Unit 15. Aromatic Hydrocarbons : 6 teaching hrs
Introduction and characteristics of aromatic compounds : Huckel’s rule of aromaticity : Kekule structure of benzene : Resonance and isomerism : Preparation of benzene from decarboxylation of sodium benzoate, phenol, and ethyne only ; Physical properties of benzene ; Chemical properties of benzene: Addition reaction: hydrogen, halogen, Electrophilic substitution reactions: orientation of benzene derivatives (o, m & p), nitration, sulphonation, halogenations, Friedal-Craft’s reaction (alkylation and acylation), combustion of benzene ( free combustion only) and uses.
Applied Chemistry: 15 teaching hours
Unit: 16 Fundamentals of Applied Chemistry: 4 teaching hrsFundamentals of Applied Chemistry, Chemical industry and its importance, Stages in producing a new product, Economics of production ; Cash flow in the production cycle, Running a chemical plant; Designing a chemical plant, Continuous and batch processing, Environmental impact of the chemical industry.
Unit: 17 Modern Chemical Manufactures : 11 teaching hrs
Modern Chemical Manufactures (principle and flow sheet diagram only), Manufacture of ammonia by Haber’s process, Manufacture of nitric acid by Ostwald’s process, Manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process, Manufacture of sodium hydroxide by Diaphragm Cell, Manufacture of sodium carbonate by ammonia soda or Solvay process, Fertilizers (Chemical fertilizers, types of chemical fertilizers, production of urea with flow-sheet diagram).