Von Richter Reaction

Von Richter Reaction

Von Richter Reaction

When aromatic nitro compounds are treated with potassium cyanide in aqueous ethanol to generate a carboxylic acid ortho to the existing nitro group is known as Victor Von Richter reaction or simply Von Richter reaction.
This reaction is cine substitution (the entering group takes up a position next (i.e. adjacent) to that occupied by the leaving group).
Best results are obtained when electron withdrawing group is present at ortho or para position. Reaction gives a small yeild of product.
The von Richter reaction can be inhibited in the presence of potassium ferricyanide (K3Fe(CN)6) and sodium sulfite.
Von Richter Reaction

Mechanism of Von Richter Reaction

Mechanism of  Von Richter Reaction

Examples of Von Richter Reaction

Examples of Von Richter Reaction
