Periodic Table and Periodicity in Properties NIOS Intext Questions With Answer
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
Sr. Secondary, Module-2
Lession-3: Periodic Table and Periodicity in Properties NIOS Intext Questions With Answer
1. Classify the elements of group 14, 15 and 16 into metals, non-metals and metalloids.
Answer:Metals | Non-Metals | Metalloids |
Sn, Pb | C | Si, Ge |
Sb, Bi | N, P | As |
Te, Po | O, S | Se |
2. Compare the metallic character of aluminium and potassium.
Answer: Potassium is more metallic than aluminum.3. Name the group number for the following type of clements i. Alkaline earth metals ii. Alkali metals iii. Transition metals iv. Halogens v. Noble gases.
Answer: i. 2ii. 1
iii. 3 - 12
iv. 17
v. 18
4. Name five man made elements.
Answer: Np, Lr, No, Rf, Hs.INTEXT QUESTIONS 3.2
1. Write the names of the elements with atomic numbers 105, 109, 112, 115 according to IUPAC nomenclature.
Answer: 105: Unnilpentium109: unnilennium
112: Ununbium
115: Ununpentium
2. Arrange the following in the order of increasing size Na+, Al3+, O2–, F–
Answer: Al3+ Na+ F– O2–3. How does the size of atoms vary from left to right in a period and on descending a group in the periodic table?
Answer: The atomic size decreases from left to right across a period and increases on moving down the group.INTEXT QUESTIONS 3.3
1. What is the correlation between atomic size and ionization enthalpy.
2. Which species, in each pair is expected to have higher ionization enthalpy.
i. 3Li, 11Na
ii. 7N, 15P
iii. 20Ca, 12Mg
iv. 13Al, 14Si
v. 17Cl, 18Ar
vi. 18Ar, 19K
vii. 13Al, 6C
Answer: i. 3Liii. 7N
iii. 12Mg
iv. 14Si
v. 18Ar
vi. 18Ar
vii. 6C