Huckel Molecular Orbital Theory

Huckel Molecular Orbital Theory

Huckel Molecular Orbital Theory

E. Huckel presented a simplified form of molecular orbital theory for 𝝅 system by introducing the following set of approximations-
1. σ, 𝝅 Separation
2. Free 𝝅 Electron Approximation
3. LCAO 𝝅 Molecular Orbital
4. The Energy of the HMO
5. The Secular Equation
6. Solving the Secular Equation.

1. σ, 𝝅 Separation

It is the first assumed that 𝝅-electrons in a conjugated molecule do not interact with σ-electrons. The complete molecular wave function being-
ψ = ψσ + ψ𝝅
and the molecular energy-
E = Eσ + E𝝅
This enables one to treat the 𝝅 molecular orbitals independently of the σ molecular orbitals.

2. Free 𝝅 Electron Approximation

The total 𝝅-electron wave function ψ𝝅 is a single product of one electron functions (HMO) and not a determinant. The total energy of the 𝝅-electrons is then the sum of the one electron (HMO) energies.
For a system of n 𝝅-electrons in the ground state(with n even)
ψ𝝅 = ψ1(1) ψ1(2) ψ2(3) ψ2(4) ... ψn/2(n − 1) ψn/2(n) -----Eq.1
where ψi is the ith HMO.
The energy is given by the relation-
E𝝅 = n1E1 + n2E2 + ... + nnEn -----Eq.2
where, Ei is the energy of a single electron in ψi, the factors ni may be 1 or 2 or 0 depending upon whether the HMO ψi is singly or double occupied or unoccupied.
Each ψ is an approximate solution of a one-electron Schrodinger equation,
Ĥ(t) ψi = Ei ψi -----Eq.3

3. LCAO 𝝅 Molecular Orbital

The equation-3 is never solved. Each HMO ψi is taken as a linear combination of the carbon 2pz atomic orbitals-
ψi = ai1P1 + ai2P2 + ... + ainPn
or, ψi = nr=1Σ air Pr -----Eq.4
where, ψi is the ith HMO of the 𝝅 system, Pr is the 2pz atomic orbital of the rth carbon atom and air is the coefficient of the rth atomic orbital in the ith HMO. The HMO method is confined to carbon atoms only, orbitals of H atoms are not considered at all.

4. The Energy of the HMO

The energy of the HMO is calculated by the following formula-
Ei = ∫ ψiĤ ψi d𝜏 / ∫ ψi2 d𝜏 -----Eq.4
assuming ψi to be real.

5. The Secular Equation

6. Solving the Secular Equation

Applications of Huckel Molecular Orbital(HMO) Theory

Source: Quantum Chemistry R.K.Prasad
