Electronic Spectra of [Ti(H2O)6]+3 Complex Ion

Electronic Spectra of [Ti(H2O)6]+3 Complex Ion

Electronic Spectra of [Ti(H2O)6]+3 Complex Ion

Electronic Spectra of [Ti(H2O)6]+3 Complex Ion

There is only one electron in d-orbital of Ti+3 ion (d1 system). Therefore, the spectroscopic term for the ground state of Ti+3 ion is 2D. In the ground state the single electron occupy the lower t2g orbital. on absorption of radiation the electron gets excited to eg orbitals. The corresponding description of the t2g1 and eg1 configurations are T2g and Eg.
Electronic Spectra of [Ti(H2O)6]+3 ion
Consequently the absorption spectrum of d1 system (i.e. Ti+3 ion) shows only one band due to 2Eg2T2g transition.
The absorption band in the spectra of aqueous Ti+3 ion is broad and unsymmetrical due to L-S coupling in ground state and J-T distortion in excited state.
Electronic Spectra of [Ti(H2O)6]+3 ion
In [Ti(H2O)6]+3 Complex Ion, absorption maximum observed at 20300cm−1 (4900Å) and also the absorption maximum has a shoulder at 17400cm−1 due to J-T distortion. This shoulder is responsible for broad band in the spectrum.

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