Drugs and medicines Class 12 Terminal Questions with Answer NIOS

Drugs and medicines Class 12 Terminal Questions with Answer NIOS National Institute of Open Schooling | NIOS

Drugs and medicines Class 12 Terminal Questions with Answer NIOS

National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
Sr. Secondary, Module-8
Lession-30: Drugs and medicines Terminal Questions with Answer

Terminal QUESTIONS with Answer

1. How are medicines classified?

Classification of medicines are done in four categories which are given below-
1. General Sales List:  This type of medicine have few legal restrictions. They can be bought almost anywhere.
2. Pharmacy Medicines: Pharmacy Medicines are only available to purchase behind the counter at a pharmacy.
3. Prescription Only Medicines: This can have rather harmful effects and can cause serious addiction if misused.
4. Controlled drugs: These medicines are also require a prescription from a medical professional such as a doctor or dentist. They have certain restrictions as to how they're dispensed, stored, and administered.


2. Who isolated the first antibiotic?

The first antibiotic, was discovered by Alexander Fleming, a professor of Bacteriology at St. Mary's Hospital in London in 1929.

3. Name a medicine, which is used as analgesic as well as antipyretic.

The antipyretic is used to lower the body temperature when we suffer from fever.
The analgesic is used to relief from pain.
The para-Acetamidophenol (or paracetamol) is used as an antipyretic as well as an analgesic.

4. What is a non-narcotic analgesic?

Non-narcotic analgesics are the medications used to control the pain and inflammation. Some types of these medications can be given during the surgery to reduce post-surgical pain and lessen the need for narcotics.

5. Why is 2.0 percent aqueous solution of phenol used as a disinfectant?

Some substances can act as the antiseptic as well as disinfectant by varying the concentration. 0.2% solution of phenol is disinfectant because chlorine in the concentration of 0.2 to 0.4 ppm in solution which acts as a disinfectant.

6. What do you understand by allergic reactions of antibiotics?

Antibiotic allergic reactions is a raised, itchy skin rash (urticaria, or hives) coughing, wheezing, tightness of the throat, which can cause the breathing difficulties.The allergic reaction can happen right away or within just a couple of hours of taking an antibiotic, it also can take up to two weeks after finishing the medicine.

7. What are scheduled drugs?

The scheduled drug is the one whose use and distribution is tightly controlled because of its abuse potential or risk. The controlled  or scheduled drugs are rated in the order of their abuse risk and placed in Schedules by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

8. Which medicines can you purchase without the prescription from a doctor?

You can buy many medicines for minor problems at the store without a prescription, they are called over-the-counter medicines. Examples-Cough syrup, paracetamol etc.

9. What is self-medication? Describe some of its ill effects.

When medicines are taken by patients without the advice of a doctor is called self medication. It may be harmful and daangerous because a medicine good for one patient is not good for others because the symptoms and doses are different for different patients.

10. Write the two names of chemicals which increases the life of food from months to years.

Astaxanthin, butahydrixufluid are the two names of chemicals which increases the life of food from months to years.

11. Which artificial sweatening agents is more suitable at cooking temperatures.

Acesulfame potassium artificial sweetening agents is more suitable at cooking temperatures.

12. Which is responsible for perservation action of sodium meta bisulphite?

sodium meta bisulphate(Na2S2O5) is a sulfur-containing preservative that inhibits the oxidase in the food, and also can block the normal physiological oxidation process of microorganisms and thus inhibit the reproduction of microorganisms in food preservation.

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