B.Sc. 1st Part Chemistry Subsidiary Questions 2021 BRABU Muzaffarpur

B.Sc. 1st Part Chemistry Subsidiary Questions 2021 BRABU Muzaffarpur

B.Sc. 1st Part Chemistry Subsidiary Questions 2021 BRABU Muzaffarpur

Chemistry Subsidiary
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 75
Note: Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable. Answer any five selecting not more than two questions from any group.

1. a. Derive Vander Waal's equation for real gases [10]
b. What is law of corresponding state ? [5]

2. a. What are emulsion and gel ? [5]
b. Differentiate between lyophilic and lyophobic sol. [5]
c. Explain Tyndal effect.[5]
3. Explain any three of the following [3x5=15]
a. Viscosity
b. Hydrogen Electrode
c. Rutile Structure
d. Graphite
e. Cell Constant
4. a. Derive de Broglie equation. [7.5]
b. Explain Hydrogen Spectrum. [7.5]
5. a. Explain VSEPR Theory for geometry of molecules [7]
b. Give shape, structure and hybridization of the following- [8]
NH3, PCl5, CO3−2, ICl3

6. Explain any three of the following [5x3=15]
a. Fajan's rule
b. Diborane
c. Diagonal relationship
d. Compounds of xenon
e. Inter halogens
7. Write notes on any three of the following- [5x3=15]
a. Resonance
b. Inductive Effect
c. Preparation of alkynes
d. Chemical properties of aliphatic amines
e. Synthetic uses of Grignard reagent

8. a. Explain optical isomerism of compound containing two similar assymetric carbon atom/Tartaric acid. [10]
b. Discuss D and L- configuration. [5]

9. a. State the principle involved in the estimation of nitrogen in organic compound by Duma's Method. [10]
b. Give a brief account of Reformatsky reaction. [5]
