B.Sc. 2nd Part Chemistry Subsidiary and General Syllabus BRABU MUzaffarpur

B.Sc. 2nd Part Chemistry Subsidiary and General Syllabus BRABU MUzaffarpur The Rock (1996)

B.Sc. 2nd Part Chemistry Subsidiary and General Syllabus

BRABU MUzaffarpur

Nine questions to be set and five of them to be answered selecting maximum two questions from any group A, B and C.

Group : A
Physical Chemistry - 25 Marks

1. Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic terms, statement and mathematical formulation of first law of thermodynamics, enthalpy and heat capacities at constant pressure and volume, relationship between Cp and Cv, work done in adiabatic and isothermal changes. Joule-Thomson effect and μπ for ideal and real gases.
Thermochemistry Standard state, enthalpy of formation, Hess’s law, heat of reaction at constant pressure and constant volume, enthalpy of neutralization, Kirchoff’s equations, necessity of second law, second law-its statement. Entropy, Carnot cycle, efficiency, entropy changes for an ideal gas at constant pressure, constant volumre and constant temperature.
2. Phase Rule: Phase rule and meaning of phase component and degree of freedom, one component system-water, triple point, two component system- Zn-Cu system FeCl3 + H2O, freezing mixtures, azotropes-HCl+H2O, ethanol + H2O, principle of steam distillation, efflorescence and deliquescence.
3. Electrochemistry: Migration of ions, Kohlrausch’s law, Ostwald’s dilution law, and its verification, transport number and its measurement, abnormal transport number, Buffer solution and its pH, hydrolysis of salts and calculation of hydrolysis constant along with Ka, Kb and Kw, theory of indicators, pH diagram and indicator range, chemical cells and concentration cells with and without transference, reversible and irreversible electrodes, hydrogen and calomel electrode, e.m.f. of a cell. 4. Kinetics and Catalysis: Order of general reactions, rate law and reaction mechanism, Expression for rate constant for first and second order reactions, their half-life period determination of order of reactions, temperature dependence of order of reaction, Arrhenius equation, activation energy, catalysis, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic reactions, effect of catalyst on reaction rate, auto catalyst, industrial catalysts, promoter, inhibitor.

Group: B
Inorganic Chemistry - 25 Marks

Chemistry of Elements of First Transition Series: Characteristics of d-block elements, comparative study of ionic radii, oxidation states, oxidizing and reducing properties, magnetic behaviour and complex forming tendency of ions with respect to coordination numbers (4 and 6) and thier stereochemistry.
Oxidation Potential Diagram and Oxidising and Reducing Properties: Oxidation state diagrams for oxidized and reduced systems for hydrogen, sulphur, nitrogen, manganese and chromium systems along with their redox potentials and their stability in water, in acid and alkaline media. Application of oxidation potential diagrams.
Coordination Compounds: Double salts and coordination compounds, Werner's theory-primary and secondary valency, experimental verification including isomerism, nomenclature of complex compounds, EAN rule, chelates and inner complexes, valence bond theory of M-L bonding and its limitations, spin-only magnetic moments and stereochemistry, study of complex formation for solubility of compounds and inner complex salts with DMG and 8-hydroxy quinoline, EDTA.
Radioactivity: Nuclear transformation, binding forces at the nucleaus, nuclear stability, radioactive equilibrium, nuclear isomerism, radio active series, artificial radioactivity, isotope effect and isotope exchange reaction, nuclear fission and fusion reactions, moderators.

Group: C
Organic Chemistry - 25 Marks

Reaction Mechanism: Types of organic reactions, types of reagents, reactive intermediates- carbocations, carbanions and free radicals. Hydroxyacids : Isolation, synthesis and properties of lactic, tartaric and citric acids, optical isomerism in lactic and tartaric acids.
Carbohydrated: Carbon chain and ring structures of glucose and fructose, methods of their interconversion, chain lengthening and chain shortening of aldoses, osazone formation.
Active Methylene Compounds: Active methylene group, keto-enol tautomerism, preparation and synthetic applications of ethyl acetoacetate and diethyl malonate.
Aromaticity Chemistry: Aromaticity, the Huckel rule, aromatic ions, structure of benzene including valence bond and m.o. pictures, aromatic electrophilic substitution - general pattern of the mechanism-Craft reaction, directive influence of functional groups orientation, study of nitrobenzene, aniline, phenol, benzenediazonium chloride, benzoaldehyde, acetophenone, benzoic acid, benzene sulphoric acid.

Time: 6 Hours | Full Marks : 25

1. Volumetric Analysis:
(i) Acidmetry alkalimetry: Estimation of mixture of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate.
(ii) Oxidation and reduction titration using oxalic acid and potasium permanganate, mixture of sulphuric acid and oxalic acid and estimation of Ca in calcium carbonate. [10]
2. Determination of functional groups in a given organic compounds: aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acids and amines. [10]
3. Record and Viva-voce [05]
