B.Sc. 1st Semester Chemistry Question Paper BRABU Muzaffarpur

B.Sc. 1st Semester Chemistry Question Paper BRABU Muzaffarpur

B.Sc. 1st Semester Chemistry Question Paper BRABU Muzaffarpur

B.Sc. 1st Semester Chemistry Question Paper  BRABU Muzaffarpur

CBCS B.Sc. 1st Semester Chemistry Question Paper Session: 2023-2027 BRABU Muzaffarpur

Here you can find CBCS B.Sc. 1st Semester Chemistry Question Paper of Major, Minor and multidisciplinary Session: 2023-2027 BRABU Muzaffarpur


MJC 1st Semester 2023

Exam Date: 20.12.2023
Time: 3 Hours
Full Marks: 70

Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable.
The figure in the margin indicate full marks.
Answer from all the groups are directed.


1. Chose the correct answer of the following 2 × 10 = 20

a. Identify the isotopic pair among the following-
i. 11X23 and 11X24
ii. 6X14 and 7X14
iii. 20X40 and 19X39
iv. None of these

b. Lyman series of spectral line of hydrogen atom lines in
i. UV region
ii. Visible region
iii. IR region
iv. None of these

c. Naphthalene is
i. Aliphatic compound
ii. Cyclo alkane
iii. Alkane
iv. None of these

d. Which among the following carbocation is most stable?
i. C6H5CH2+
ii. (C6H5)2CH+
iii. C6H5+
iv. (C6H5)3C+

e. Which among the following species are paramagnetic-
i. B2
ii. O2
iii. N2+
iv. All of these

f. A hydrcarbon has the molecular formula C5H10. It would be-
i. Alkane
ii. Cycloalkane
iii. Alkyne
iv. None of these

g. The bond order of He2+ is-
i. 1.0
ii. Zero
iii. 0.5
iv. 1.5

h. Which among the following contains a chiral carbon atom-
i. CH4
ii. CH3Cl
iii. CH2Cl2
iv. CH(CH3)ClBr

I. Aqueous solution of sodium succinate on electrolysis gives-
i. Ethane
ii. Ethyne
iii. Ethene
iv. CO2

j. Which among the following compound will exhibit geometrical isomerism-
i. 2-butene
ii. 2-butyne
iii. 2-butanol
iv. all of these

Answer any FOUR questions of the following
5 × 4 = 20

2. Write electronic cofiguration of
Na(11), V(23), Ag(47), Ni+2(28), Ce(24)
3. Explain electrophiles and nucleophiles. Give examples.
4. Which one has larger bond angle and why?
NH3 and H2O
5. 1-butyne gives white ppt with ammonical silver nitrate but 2-butyne does not. Explain.
6. Discuss the necessary condition for a compound to be optical active.
7. Explain de-Broglie hypothesis for dual nature of matter.

Answer any THREE questions of the following
10 × 3 = 30

8. a. Describe the four quantum numbers and their significance to describe an electron in an atom.
b. What is Pauli's eclusion principle.
9. Give the hybridization of central atom, structure and shape of the following-
CO3-2, XeOF4, ICl2-, SF4-, NCl3
10. a. Explain Markovnikov's rule and anti Markovnikov's rule with suitable example.
b. Discuss the ozonolysis reaction on 2-ethylpent-2-ene.
11. Explain any four of the following-
a. Hyperconjugation
b. Enantiomer
c. Eclipsed and staggered ethane
d. R-S configuration
e. Born-Haber cycle
f. Normalised wave function
12. a. Why the carbon-carbon bond length in benzene is shorter than carbon-carbon single bond but longer than carbon-carbon double bond.
b. Arrange the followin in increasing order of acidic sterngth. Give reason for your answer.


MIC 1st Semester 2023

Exam Date: 22.12.2023

CBCS B.Sc. 1st Semester MIC Chemistry Question Paper Session: 2023-2027 BRABU Muzaffarpur CBCS B.Sc. 1st Semester MIC Chemistry Question Paper Session: 2023-2027 BRABU Muzaffarpur'
CBCS B.Sc. 1st Semester MIC Chemistry Question Paper Session: 2023-2027 BRABU Muzaffarpur CBCS B.Sc. 1st Semester MIC Chemistry Question Paper Session: 2023-2027 BRABU Muzaffarpur

CBCS B.Sc. 1st Semester MIC Chemistry Question Paper Session: 2023-2027 BRABU Muzaffarpur CBCS B.Sc. 1st Semester MIC Chemistry Question Paper Session: 2023-2027 BRABU Muzaffarpur CBCS B.Sc. 1st Semester MIC Chemistry Question Paper Session: 2023-2027 BRABU Muzaffarpur


MDC 1st Semester 2023

Exam Date: 05.01.2024

CBCS B.Sc. 1st Semester MDC Chemistry Question Paper Session: 2023-2027 BRABU Muzaffarpur CBCS B.Sc. 1st Semester MDC Chemistry Question Paper Session: 2023-2027 BRABU Muzaffarpur
CBCS B.Sc. 1st Semester MDC Chemistry Question Paper Session: 2023-2027 BRABU Muzaffarpur CBCS B.Sc. 1st Semester MDC Chemistry Question Paper Session: 2023-2027 BRABU Muzaffarpur

CBCS B.Sc. 1st Semester MDC Chemistry Question Paper Session: 2023-2027 BRABU Muzaffarpur CBCS B.Sc. 1st Semester MDC Chemistry Question Paper Session: 2023-2027 BRABU Muzaffarpur CBCS B.Sc. 1st Semester MDC Chemistry Question Paper Session: 2023-2027 BRABU Muzaffarpur


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Class: 16.9.2024 @6AM
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